
Uzalo Gugu Gumede blast fan to the core for telling her she uses to much makeup

Uzalo Gugu Gumede blast fan to the core for telling her she uses to much makeup

Uzalo Gugu Gumede is a beautiful actress and often very calm and relaxed but not this time when a “fan” ignorantly told her she uses to much makeup and her beauty ain’t real.
I suppose that fan was a guy because women wont go around accusing other women of using to much makeup knowing she also does sometimes. If you are a lady or have a girlfriend you will realized women hate been told they look unnatural or even that makeup is the only thing that makes them beautiful. Well Gugu Gumede is a lady to and like i said women deont like that so guys stop it , just appreciate and move on and mind your own business.
Gugu Gumede took to her instagram account to blast the fan calling him or perhaps her damn crazy for telling her she uses to much makeup


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